The annual W&DAC Christmas Party will be held on Friday 15th December 2017 at Scott Bader Wollaston. Tickets are now available online and will remain on sale until Friday 1st December or until they sell out, whichever comes first. Please choose from the following menu options when paying for your ticket: Main: Roast
Year: 2017
B&M Winter meets
Wellingborough 5 awards 2017
Another fantastic turnout at the Wellingborough 5 yesterday. Well done to all who ran. A full list of results can be found on the chip timing website. Please see below for positions of the Junior runners and a list of prize winners from the main race. Junior 1 mile race: Boys: Pos #: Name: Age: Club: 1 Callum Cox 13 2 Kieran Bunker 10 3 Harvey Willmott 12 WDAC 4 Ayrton Rice 10 KTH 5 Drasius Vilimas 9 6 Noah
Pre-Welly 5 Pizza run
This time last week we were all tucking into fresh-from-the-oven pizzas having just tested out the Wellingborough 5 route ready for our club race this coming weekend. As in previous years, we invited a couple of other local clubs along to join us and provide a bit of friendly competition! ;) Results