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The Ultramarathon and Trail Running section is an official sub-section of WDAC made up of runners who seek to either take their running beyond the marathon distance, or who prefer running off-road on trails or rocky terrain for any length of distance.
** An Ultramarathon is a race of any distance over that of a marathon (26.2 miles).
** Trail Running tends to traverse varying terrain; hills, mountains, fields, deserts, forests, and narrow passages are common. Likewise, steep inclines or rough terrain sometimes may require hiking or scrambling. Runners participating in trail runs must often ascend and descend thousands of feet.

Royston trail half marathon 2016Training

Trail runs are organised on Tuesday and Thursday evenings  alongside the other club group sessions. Their start locations may vary and these are detailed for club members on the Spond app.

Informal runs are often organised at various times throughout the week and again are advertised on the Spond app.
