Coaches and run leaders are there to help, guide, discuss, encourage, empower. WDAC has many fantastic coaches that can help you get to your goals who kindly give up their time to run the Club sessions.
Senior Club Coaches
Jon Kemp; Lee Mooney; Neil McDonald; Helen Etherington; Gary Thacker; Steve Adams; Mary Pearson; Louise Kemp; Jessica Wynn-Werninck; Nic Butter; Ady King; Jackie King; Leigh Clements.
Junior Club Coaches
Steve Stredwick; Tony Burgess.
All of our coaches are qualified with various coaching badges. If you would like to take a coaching qualification then please get in touch with Lee Mooney for more details. We are particularly looking for a female coach to work alongside our existing Junior coaching team.
Details of England Athletics courses can be found at