As a club member, you are entitled to:
- Coaching from a qualified coach
- Weekly group training runs (Tuesday & Thursday)
- Access to W&DAC Facebook group with details of unofficial group runs on every other day of the week
- Membership of England Athletics
- Insurance while training with the club
- Reduced entry fees for affiliated races
- Free vest with first years membership
- Free entry to all races in the Three Counties Cross Country League
- Entry into the club’s London Marathon ticket raffle (after one year of membership)
FREE Guest Trial Days:
Come down to the club on a Tuesday, at Wrenn School, Doddington Road, Wellingborough November – March and/or the Old Grammarians Sports Ground, Sywell Road, Wellingborough Thursday evenings, year round, for 4 free trial sessions.
We welcome everyone but to help you get the best from these sessions we ask that you are able to run at least 4 miles at a reasonable pace without stopping.
Adult guest form
NB: A high-visibility top or vest must be worn in all seasons
FREE Junior (9-16 years) Guest Trial Days:
Please complete and submit the Junior Guest form and you will be contacted to arrange the date for your first session.
Junior guest form
Pre-Activity Questionnaire
If you think you might like to join us please consider the following first;
- Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
- When you do any physical activity do you ever feel pain in your chest?
- Do you ever have any chest pain when not doing physical activity?
- Have you ever felt faint or have spells of dizziness?
- Do you have any joint or bone problems that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
- Have you ever suffered from high blood pressure?
- Are you currently on any medication that could affect your health by a change in your physical activity?
- Are you pregnant or have you had a baby in the last six months?
- Are you over 69 years of age?
- Do you know of any reason you should not exercise or increase your physical activity?If you have answered YES to any of these questions, talk to your doctor BEFORE you join us.If your health changes so that you then answer yes to any of these questions, contact your doctor. IF AT ANY TIME YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH, CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR WHO WILL ADVISE YOU.
Membership Applications:
After your trial sessions (or if you just want to sign up straight away!) you can apply for a year’s membership. The membership runs annually from April-April but you may join at any time.
Anyone wishing to join the club must complete the online application form and submit the correct payment for membership. Please speak to Andrew Macavoy for any information regarding membership, or if you have any problems filling out the online form.
New member/membership Renewal Form | Pay Now
Membership Packages
Fees for 2024/2025 for 12 months from April 1st 2024 are as below:
- New Senior Membership
- £60
- This includes a club vest & cross-country fees
- Senior Membership Renewal
- £45
- This includes cross-country fees.
- New Junior Membership
- £60
- This includes a club vest
- The junior membership is for any runners under 17 at time of joining
- Junior Membership Renewal
- £45
- The junior membership is for any runners under 17 at time of joining
- Associate Membership
- £10
- This is for all those people that are associated with the club, although not runners
- 2nd claim Membership
- £20
- Honorary Membership
- This is in reward for exemplary and long service to the club.
The club would like to recognise it’s Honorary members:- The Late Tom Wildman
- Alan Mills
- Steve Stredwick
- Paul Davies
- Graham Bayes
- Jane Bayes
- Jon Kemp
- Tony Hale
- Lucia Hale
- John Hullett
- This is in reward for exemplary and long service to the club.