The annual W&DAC Christmas Party will be held on Friday 15th December 2017 at Scott Bader Wollaston.
Tickets are now available online and will remain on sale until Friday 1st December or until they sell out, whichever comes first.
Please choose from the following menu options when paying for your ticket:
- Roast Turkey served with Chipolatas and Stuffing
- Steak and Mushroom Pie
- Vegetable and Nut Roast
- Spinach and Vegetable Quiche
All of the above served with roast potatoes, carrots, Brussel sprouts and garden peas.
A gluten free choice is also available: turkey, GF sausage wrapped in bacon, GF bread roll, roast potatoes, vegetables and GF gravy followed by GF cake or fresh fruit salad.
- Traditional Christmas Pudding served with Brandy Sauce
- Double Chocolate Cake
- Fresh Fruit Salad
* Mince Pies
We hope you can make it for some festive cheer and lots of dancing!