The annual W&DAC Christmas Party will be held on Friday 11th December 2015 at Scott Bader Wollaston.
Tickets are now available online.
Please choose from the following menu options when paying for your ticket:
- Cream of Vegetable Soup served with a bread roll
- Leek and potato Soup served with bread roll
- Roast Turkey OR Honey Roast Gammon
Both of the above served with chipolatas wrapped in bacon and sweet corn and onion stuffing
- Vegetable Nut Loaf OR Cranberry and Vegetable Tart
All of the above are served with Roast Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts and Glazed Carrots
- Traditional Christmas Pudding served with Brandy Sauce
- Lemon Meringue Pie served with Cream
- Fruit Salad
* Mince Pies
We hope you can make it for some festive cheer and lots of dancing!